我院郭道猛老师发表论文:Effect of other visible reviews’ votes and personality on review helpfulness evaluation: an event-related potentials study

【Abstract】Few studies have investigated the mechanism underlying the connection between votes and review helpfulness. A within-subject experiment with a between-group factor of personality traits was adopted to measure participants’ neural response in the processing of votes regarding review helpfulness. The results showed that a larger feedback-related negativity (FRN) and smaller P300 were induced when their personal voting behavior was inconsistent with the relative majority votes. The results confirmed that the participants established a reference frame of relative majority votes via comparison of the votes associated with other visible reviews and that they applied this reference frame to evaluate their personal voting behavior. Moreover, the participants with higher openness showed lower ΔFRN values, confirming the individual differences in the influence of the reference frame of the relative majority votes on outcome evaluation.
【Keywords】Online review helpfulness,Personality,Relative majority,Event-related potential
Social reference,Social comparison
本文被SSCI期刊Electronic Commerce Research录用:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-020-09419-y
